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Pot for Prosperity? Absolutely Not!Views: 234
May 27, 2009 2:35 pm re: re: Pot for Prosperity? Absolutely Not!

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Can we just say "No" to illegal drugs? Do we have to dance with the Devil? Do we really have to compromise everything?

Here is California the State Supreme Court just recently ruled that marriage is actually a contract between a man and a woman. They actually upheld the will of the majority of California's citizens. But, you know what I have also learned? The minority who lost have vowed to fight on to change that ruling. Keep in mind this whole marriage issue came about because four judges in the San Francisco Bay Area decided to go against the will of the people and change a prior ruling regarding marriage being between a man and a woman a few years back.

I can still recall when the heads of the all the tobacco companies testified before Congress that tobacco was NOT addictive. I actually saw that testimony on TV. Well, one of the reasons tobacco is addictive is due to nicotine. Well, I used to think that nicotine was simply a chemical substance found in the tobacco leaf. And, it may be. But, guess what? It is also a chemical that can be manufactured and placed in cigarettes as they are manufactured. And, it is. All those CEO's testifying before Congress were lying. They knew it and they did not care.

When the mortgage-back crisis hit America, a big domino effect began to emerge and it is still playing out. Businesses that should be solid are falling. Why? Because they were all tied in some fashion to the mortgage-back debt securities market. A small group of folks - some politicians, some bankers, some investment bankers - allowed "bad apples" into the barrel of the market. What harm could a few bad apples do in a huge barrel of healthy apples? Well, we now know the answer to that question, don't we. But, do we punish or even try to find who put those bad apples in the barrel? No, instead, we give the companies which perpetrated the problem a bailout...be they innocent or guilty of wrongdoing.

What about all the folks who are now unemployed and looking for work due to this crisis? Is Uncle Sam going to give them a bailout, too? I don't think so.

America needs to get back to the morality of the 1950's and stop thinking in terms of entitlement and instead focus upon responsible living.

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
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