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"WE" are the God who must save the world. It's up to "US"Views: 217
Jan 25, 2009 8:41 pm re: "WE" are the God who must save the world. It's up to "US"

John Stephen Veitch
Since I wrote the original post I've been engaged firstly with thinking about the deterioration of the economic situation, and secondly with the massacre in Gaza.

In both cases "WE" make the world.

As Joseph Linders said on my Innovation forum here on Ryze,
"the economic crisis is really a moral crisis". I agree.

We've been taught that making money is the only purpose of business. Over time we've diverted the available funds into bigger and bigger investment pools, always seeking the highest returns. We've ended up in a situation where all the funds offering the highest returns are based on unrealistic assumptions. We built a house of cards based on greed.

For all of my adult life, I've believed in the importance of economic growth. The Innovation Network, is important because innovation is the key driver of economic growth. But in recent years, I've come to see that the way we measure economic growth is corrupt. If we have "growth" that destroys the environment, we only "count" the good bit and pretend the destruction is none of our doing. The unprincipled pursuit of "economic growth" is killing our society by corrupting our values, and it's killing the planet by destroying the environment. Who are "we" who presume we have the "right" to behave in this way?

And so to Gaza. Hamas, proved over five months, that they could make a promise NOT to send rockets into Israel and KEEP it. Israel deliberately broke a ceasefire that was working in two ways. From the beginning a blockade of Gaza that had been sustained for year, and was supposed to be lifted if the rocket attacks stopped was NOT lifted. An economic blockade is a war crime. Israel refused to lift the blockade, but even so Hamas kept their side of the deal. Then on 4th November, Israeli forces killed 6 Hamas members. This was the second way Israel broke the ceasefire.

We can now see that from Israel's point of view it was essential to provoke Hamas into attack, so that the pretext for the invasion of Gaza could be paraded to the world. There was a PEACE offer, sitting on the table. Israel for reasons of her own chose to ignore that, and to launch an attack anyway, saying that the "rocket attacks by Hamas on Israel must be stopped". Ignoring the FACT that for five months the attacks had stopped and that a continuation of that truce was openly offered.

Within 4-5 days, the real facts became widely known, and the Israeli propaganda machine was exposed as lying and fraudulent. But some people are slow learners. Right at the end of the fighting, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Hamas of the fighting in Gaza during a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in Washington.

"Rice said Hamas started the violence when it launched rockets towards Israel and disregarded the ceasefire."

Well, well, well, the whole world should know that the above statement is a direct LIE. So what sort of corruption sustains this sort of fraudulent behaviour?

Rice went on to speak personally about Tzipi Livni, saying, "Tzipi and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert have the foresight to know that a Palestinian state is in Israel's greatest interest, and that they must pursue the cause of peace with their Arab neighbours. President Bush and I deeply share this goal. And for Tzipi and me, it is now the focus of our work together." (From TIME)

Now that might sound nice, but it's a direct contradiction of the facts. There has been a Peace Settlement agreed by the Arab states, and by the Palestinian Authority of the last SIX YEARS, which gave Israel everything they said they needed, but which Israel and the USA have refused to accept. So there is no genuine effort to seek peace by Israel. The "Arab neighbours" Ms Rice speaks of have been ignored and rejected.

Besides, during those six years, the construction of a separation wall and the development of Israeli settlement in the West Bank have been proceeding rapidly. In other words the illegal theft of Palestinian land continues, making the creation of a Palestinian State impossible. The Zionists are building a "greater Israel" fight under our noses. There is no desire to create a genuine Palestinian state, only apartheid style Bantustans, under direct Israeli control. This is totally unacceptable, and Israel and the USA should know that.

So, as I said at the beginning, "we" make the world, and the crisis we face is a moral crisis.

John Stephen Veitch
Open Future Limited - http://www.openfuture.biz/
Innovation Network - http://veech-network.ryze.com/
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